I had a recent need to find a new method of doing time reporting against projects and services. My services have different resource commitments, and its important that we show our customers and stakeholders that we are fairly delivering value. Before you make the normal sigh, and under your breath mumble what a waste of time... hear me out! Why does it add value? Let's go to the root of the reason why we track time. Is it to hold our staff accountable for punching a clock? No, if you evaluate technology professionals on how much time they spend in front of a keyboard typing, shame on you. You skills are dated. You should judge a person's contribution based on the value they deliver. Would you pay a mechanic that looks busy for four hours $600 for a basic car inspection when everything passes and no repairs are necessary? No, obviously n...
Microsoft Office tricks & tips to make your life easier, and add some pizazz to your presentations.